Monday, 28 May 2007
Swiss move to ban minarets "Members of the right-wing Swiss People's Party, currently the largest party in the Swiss parliament, have launched a campaign to have the building of minarets banned." Internal discohesion The discussion has in fact been going on for quite some time. One could interpret the move by the Swiss People's Party as an attempt at re-cohesion. But no matter whether a referendum will be held or not, and no matter whether minarets will be allowed to be built or not - the reality is that Swiss society, too, is undergoing a fundamental transition (of which the immigration of exotic cultures from less wealthier nations is only one aspect). The result of this process is, as in other Western nations, an ever more fragile cultural identity, more freedom and choices for the individual but also fewer certainties, a higher degree of social complexity and adaptability but - according to dark age theory - at some point also greater vulnerability of the system as a whole to sudden shocks.